Robert Rissmann (1977) studied pharmacy at the Free University of Berlin, Germany. He obtained his license to practice as a pharmacist in 2004 and subsequently began a PhD project in drug delivery at the Leiden Academic Center for Drug Research (Leiden University), focusing on translational dermatology. Robert successfully defended his PhD thesis on skin pharmacology in 2009. From 2010 to 2017, he was Director of Education at the Centre for Human Drug Research with an emphasis on clinical pharmacology and pharmaco-therapeutics. His research interests concern translational models in both immunology and dermatology for drug development in early-phase clinical research.
He is a member of the board of the Dutch Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Biopharmacy and board member of the Education Committee of the British Pharmacological Society. In 2015, he was appointed Associate Professor at the Leiden University Medical Center. Since 2017 he has held the position of Research Director in Dermatology, and heads the Skin Pharmacology research group at CHDR. In 2020 he was appointed Professor of Translational Dermatology at Leiden University. He has published over 55 manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals and is actively involved in the supervision and training of PhD students.